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A Cry for Help
to Defend our Border and Save America

Texas MUST engage!

Our Efforts

The failure of the state and federal government to secure our border has overwhelmed our emergency services, depleted our county resources, and caused irreparable harm to and death of the citizens within our jurisdiction.

— Statement from letter to Governor Greg Abbott from the Texas Border Sub-Regional Planning Commission (Kinney County, City of Uvalde, and Uvalde County) dated August 2, 2021

“We’ve had border patrolmen shot at. We’ve had sheriff’s deputies shot at, and it’s time that the State of Texas comes to the aid of the Border Counties,”

— Judge Tully Shahan, Kinney County (April Video)


Texas Counties along the southern border are bearing the brunt of the Border Crisis. This is the tip of the iceberg of what is taking place each day and at all hours.

Disaster declarations were filed after all other attempts to receive assistance and meaningful responses had been ignored by the State of Texas. 

We’ve set forth a chronology of events that have taken place and serve to reveal our extensive work that has caused a groundswell across the State of Texas. The catalyst of this effort has been the average concerned citizens who have supported our County Sheriffs and County Officials.

The below chronology displays efforts of land owners’ and Sheriffs in asking for help keeping their communities safe and ending the lawlessness of ignoring our laws and allowing the invasion at the Texas / Mexico border.

*The Remembrance Project has been a strong force in support of Texas Sheriffs’ efforts to secure our southern border in order to save lives. T.R.P. is a Texas based 501c3 not for profit organization created in 2009 to honor and remember Americans who were killed by illegal aliens.

Make no mistake, this is not a “crisis” this is an invasion.
And Texas must engage!